Table And Chart

Difference between  table and chart:

Data Representation
Numbers and text in rows and columns
Graphical representation including lines, bars and circles.
Text, numbers, easier to compare data, represents periodic and changeable information, simple to understand
large variety, graphical, little text, pictures, easier to understand, visual in nature
When to use 
To look up or compare individual values, to show precise values, when multiple units of measure are involved.
To communicate a message that is contained in the shape of the data, to reveal relationship among many values.
Simple table, multi-dimensional table, wide and narrow tables
Histogram, bar chart, line chart, pie chart, timeline chart, organizational chart, tree chart, flow chart, cartogram (map), pedigree chart (family tree), bubble chart, stream graph, kagi chart, Scatterplot, etc. 
Used in 
Publishing, Mathematics, Natural sciences, Information technology - software applications and software development.
Mathematics, Natural sciences, Information technology


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