How to change the color of address bar

How to change the color of address bar in mobile browser

Have you noticed many popular websites use their own brand color for the address bar in mobile browser. In this article we will show you how to change the color of address bar in mobile browser.

Why Match Address Bar Color in Mobile Browser?

Most popular themes are mobile responsive. This makes your site looks great on mobile devices. However, it still looks and feels like a website.Matching the color of address bar to your site, gives it a native app-like feel. This improves user experience, which ultimately boosts sales and conversions.

Match Address Bar Color on Mobile Browser to Your Theme

Simply add this code in your site just before the closing </head> tag.

<meta name="theme-color" content="#000000"/>
This line is a HTML meta tag used by Google Chrome on Android to change color of address bar in mobile browser. The content field has the hex code for the color you want to use as theme color.


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